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The Adventures of Guy

This is a vertical slice of a classic pixel JRPG. You control Guy, a mute knight with amnesia trying to piece together the mystery of his own past and how he is destined to save the world.


The game loop revolves around the player traversing the levels that connect together that form a route around the world. NPCs can give out vital information or hint towards the locations of hidden treasures. When walking around in hostile areas, there is a chance to begin an encounter, which changes the game into a turn-based battle. 

Battle AI

Upon starting an encounter, the player is taken to the battlefield with up to three enemies that are spawned from the available pool of enemies in the area.


I developed an AI system that uses an intelligence variable that decides how the enemies select their attacks and targets. The lower the intelligence, the smaller their move-set and its target selections are random. Higher intelligence means that they will have more moves at their disposal and they are able to scan the player's party's stats to select which target to attack with the most fitting move. This means that they could potentially focus on the party member with the least health or  an elemental / magical weakness.


Enemies of the same type can have different intelligence levels, meaning that each encounter will provide a new challenge each time. Completing a battle will move the player back to the main level, and over time the party's health will regenerate if they do not use healing items.

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